
Prevest DenPro Fusion Self Lute Self Curing / Chemical Curing Resin Based Luting Cement Self curing/chemical curing resin based composite adhesive luting cement. INDICATIONS Cementation of indirect restorations (inlays, onlays, crowns, bridges, posts) made of: – Metal and metal ceramics – AII-ceramics – Composites Product Benefits Exceptional handling, especially with excess cement removal – Durability…

Fusion ultra D/C Dual Curing, Resin Based Luting Cement Low viscosity, light and chemical cure, radiopaque, two component micro fine hybrid composite for the adhesive luting of composite and ceramic restorations. INDICATIONS – Permanent cementation of crown, bridges and splints – Permanent cementation of endodontic posts made of metal, reinforced composite – Permanent cementation of…

Prevest DenPro Orafil LC Light Cured, Temporary Filling Material Orafil-LC is a light-curing material for temporary filling and sealing. The elastic consistency assures an easy removal, even in case of undercuts, and finishing the cavity is not necessary. Thus the fitting of the temporary filling will be improved. Orafil-LC is available in syringes for direct…

Prevest DenPro Oratemp C&B Temporary Crown and Bridge Material OraTemp C&B (crown and bridge material) is a composite material for the fabrication of temporary restorations. Based on multi-functional methacrylate esters, this two-component system has filling material-like properties. With the help of dispensing gun, the material can be applied directly from the cartridge without causing any…

Prevest DenPro Oratemp NE Non-eugenol Temporary Luting Cement OraTemp NE is a non eugenol temporary cement which permits placement and retention under function of permanent crowns, bridges, splints and their temporary counterparts. OraTemp NE is insoluble in oral fluids and retains a tight marginal seal to prevent leakage of these fluids under the restorations. INDICATIONS…